What is SCTV?

Community government and educational access channels are the unsung heroes of our neighborhoods. They're not just web streams or channels on your TV; they're essential for keeping us in the loop and helping us grow.

Imagine this: you're sitting on your couch, flipping through the channels or swiping through feeds, and suddenly, there it is—your local government in action. That's your city council meeting, right in front of you! It's a fantastic way to stay connected and see firsthand how decisions are made that affect your community. In fact, according to a study by the Alliance for Community Media, 95% of communities with access media channels reported improved government transparency.

Stanislaus Community TV (SCTV) a treasure trove of local, community-focused news and information. From educational programs and workshops to cultural events and community interest stories, SCTV aims to be open, transparent and available to all. In a survey conducted by the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors, 82% of respondents said they used access channels for educational purposes.

At a time where information is readily at our fingertips, government and educational access continues to play a vital role in keeping us informed, engaged, and connected with our communities. Stay connected with SCTV.

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